Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What could the Maya have known that we don’t?

The answer to that question goes back to the basic premise of how our universe operates:

Everything operates in a circle.

What goes around, comes around.

Which means that whatever they saw . . .

Will return!

-- Could the Mayans have discerned the nature of our 12/21/2012 cataclysm?

They could have conceivably witnessed a passing asteroid, whose approach we’re ignorant of, and surmised it would return and visit its violence on the earth on . . . 12/21/2012.

-- How would the Maya have viewed such a celestial visitor?

They say all celestial objects as gods, none of whom were benign in their attitudes toward humankind. Quetzalcoatl was viewed as the friendliest, but he was defeated and displaced in the heavens by a black god of the death and the everlasting night,Tezcatlipoca. The Maya believed that when the 2012 Long-Count Calendar ran out, Tezcatlipoca would smash the heavenly gates, that he and his infernal legions would scorch the Underworld Road which leads via the constellation, Sagittarius, and scourge the earth—and their final scorching scourge would be our Last Day, the One World’s Last Day . . . 12/21/2012.


  1. We should not view the fact that the Maya story about Tezcatlipoca smashing the world as nothing but a myth because mythology is in fact the way they recorded what we could call scientific study of the sky. Today astronomers would put different names on Quetzalcoatl, who we call Venus and Tezcatipoca -- what do we call him? Rogue asteriod?

  2. Talking about rogue asteriods, just yesterday I read a news story that last Friday, Nov. 6, an asteriod called 2009 VA the size of a garage passed within 9000 miles of earth, so close that its orbit was bent by the earth's gravity. We had all of 15 HOURS NOTICE. Not days, but hours that this thing would whip by. How much is 9000 miles? Not much more than Chicago to New Delhi, India.

  3. I'm more worried about the time than the distance. I read an asteriod can go 150,000 miles an hour. It would cover 9,000 miles in less than four minutes. So that asteriod would be only four miles from impact. Good thing it was only the size of a garage.

  4. Time, distance, speed all count, and of course size is critical. But the most important thing is seeing it in time to be able to do something about it. The next one may be the one the Maya called Tezcatipoca and be the size of a Maya temple.
